July began on a high note with our visit to Washington DC! Despite the extreme high heat and humidity, it was a blast seeing our Nation's Capital the day before the 4th of July!
Our Marine at the USMC/Iwo Jima Memorial in Arlington, VA.
Walking across the Arlington Memorial Bridge to the National Mall.
The Lincoln Memorial
The heat was getting to this one who didn't want to smile, ahem.
The Korean War Memorial
The District of Colombia War Memorial
Z standing at "parade rest" on the Pacific side of the World War II Memorial.
The Washington Monument
Lincoln is way back there!
High Noon.
Z loved the animals in the Smithsonian Natural History Museum. The A/C felt great too!
The Smithsonian Castle
Riding the National Carousel!
Enjoying a ride on the Metro after a long, hot day of walking.
From DC, we drove to Clarksburg, Maryland to visit the Steele's in their beautiful, new house!
Enjoying frozen yogurt at Sweet Frog!
Party popper and fireworks on July 4th!
Love Z's face!
Happy Independence Day!

Thanks again to our East Coast family for your generous hospitality!
On our way back to Virginia Beach, we made a stop at the amazing Marine Corps Museum in Quantico, VA! Z loved it too and is still asking to go back!
How to Make a Marine
Ready for boot camp, standing on the famous yellow footprints just as her Daddy did!
This little recruit needed help with her push ups.
Checking out the Marine climbing down the repeal tower, a boot camp favorite.
The drum major uniform with the President's Own Marine Band.
WWI uniform
Tanks a lot!
What a memorable outing!
Mommy's selfie on the way out. Cool-looking building.
Tired girl on the drive home. What an amazing weekend!
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