Friday, March 30, 2018

Passing the Time

Some photos of us girls just passing the time while our favorite Marine is away.

L started lightsaber training with LudoSport Lightsaber Academy. It's a legit, intense sport that combines martial arts, fencing, and well, lightsabers. So fun and a great workout!

Catsy shenanigans.

Enjoying/playing music from the "Greatest Showman," and feeding the local strays (although, Binga is not a fan).

She prefers stuffed cat friends.

 Dressing incognito at the school bus stop, because it's cold.

Lovely backyard skies.

Swim lessons at the rec center. Good job, Z!

Other friendly backyard visitors.

Despite the extra-long winter, there have been a few lovely days and some signs of spring.

A beautiful day at Mt. Trashmore.

On one of our drives up north, we stopped by the historic Jamestown Settlement. 
Z enjoyed exploring the Powhatan Indian Village. 

The three 1607 ships were so cool!

 The English fort (Fort James).

Some locals preparing organic food.

 Getting to work.

Hanging out with Lord Foxbane, the big roster.

We loved visiting Jamestown!