- On New Year’s Day, went to the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena to see A march with the Marine Band (and the TV footage zoomed in close on his face!)

- Took a little trip to Las Vegas, Nevada to see “The Phantom of the Opera”
- L started taking a Wado-Karate class on the Marine base
- A went on tour with Marine Band San Diego to Seattle, Washington
- Said ‘good-bye’ to L’s 15-year-old Izusu Trooper and purchased a 2008 Saturn Vue
- A took the extremely difficult Marine Corps Martial Arts Instructor Course and graduated as a Green belt Instructor for his unit 

- L performed in her first belly dance performance
- Moved out of our small apartment of 3 ½ years and upgraded to nice, off-base military housing
- A re-qualified as a 2nd Award Rifle Expert on the rifle range at Camp Pendleton
- L started a new harp gig of getting to play for the Tea at the fancy Westgate Hotel
- L earned her yellow belt in karate
- A went on a tour to Albuquerque, New Mexico with the Marine Band
- Went to Chicago, IL, to visit Leah's sister and brother-in-law, and coincidentally attended our Marine friends’ wedding 
- Traveled together to London, England and had a blast getting to see all the historic sights
- Celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary on August 6th
- L performed in the Robert Drasnin Orchestra at a Tiki Oasis Convention, under the direction of Robert Drasnin himself, a long-time Hollywood composer
- L earned her orange belt in karate, and danced in the Celebrate Dance Festival in Balboa Park
- L began taking ballet classes
- A traveled to Houston, Texas with the Brass Quintet
- L performed in the musical theater production of “The Light In The Piazza” with Lamb’s Players Theater, 7 shows a week from September to November 

- A was promoted to Sergeant (on his 2-year Marine Corps Birthday)
- A went on tour to Chicago, Illinois with the Marine Band
- A went on another tour with the Brass Quintet to Indianapolis, Indiana
- Attended the MCRD Enlisted Birthday Ball to celebrate the Marine Corps 233rd Birthday
- A turned 28 and got his first gray hair
- In the MCRD Christmas Concert, the Marine Band premiered 2 of A’s arrangements and L got to play the harp in the concert as a featured soloist.
- L earned her blue belt in karate, and played a dozen different Christmas gigs
- Had enjoyable family Christmases in several installments.
- L celebrated her 26th Birthday
- Rang in the New Year in Pasadena again to see A march in the Rose Parade (and the TV cameras caught his face a couple of times again!)
And in 2009…
- Beginning the New Year right by going on a vacation to the Hawaiian Island of Oahu!
We're thankful to God for blessing us with another successful year! Happy New Year!
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