Happy 233rd Birthday to the Marine Corps! Since 1775, Marines make a point to celebrate their birthday with many formal events and even ceremonies all over the world. This year, we attended the Enlisted Birthday Ball for MCRD at the Harbor Island Sheraton in San Diego. The celebration continues about every night for several weeks and of course the Marine Band performs at every event. Although it is a very busy time of year for A in the band, these Marines still try to find a little fun. Below is a video of Marine Band San Diego rehearsing a song for the birthday ball pre-show. You can see A playing trombone with the brass quintet at the beginning, and then I'm sure you'll have a good laugh when the rock band takes over and the group rocks out to "Bohemian Rhapsody." Marines aren't allowed to have this much fun!
Happy Birthday, Marines, and Semper Fidelis!

where you come from!
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