On Friday night, we celebrated the Marine Corps' 232nd Birthday with a traditional ball at the downtown San Diego Marriott. Because Marine Bands all over the world perform at many Birthday Ball celebrations for the next month, this particular ball was for the West Coast musicians, including the bands from San Diego, Miramar, Camp Pendleton, and 29 Palms. It was a special evening full of camaraderie and tradition, including a few speeches, the ceremonial presentation and cutting of the cake, dinner, and dancing. As this was our first Marine Ball, A and I were very excited about the night. Below: L with her friends Maureen and Yvonne, followed by A and fellow Marines.

Very nice! :-) I am glad that you guys had a good time - you both looked wonderful!
Happy Birthday Marines! The Marine Ball here is next weekend, they all get to spend the night off base in a hotel. Have mercy on the civilian guests!
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