On Veteran's Day weekend, we drove to Clarksburg, Maryland to visit family. Loved the fall colors as we headed to the neighborhood playground with Theo A and cousin J.
Celebrating Daddy's birthday dinner while in Maryland.
And we celebrated J's 4th birthday with a superhero/crafting party at Michael's.

J's aunt and grandparents from New Jersey also joined us.
Happy birthday, cousin!
Next up, the USMC Birthday Ball with the Marine Detachment of the Naval School of Music! With A's warrant selection announced this fall, this made for an extra special celebration.
L finally wore an updo, thanks to her friend Terri who did a great job!
A with the two other warrant officer selectees/buddies and Master Guns in the middle.
L's lovely friends who all happen to be current or prior Marines!
Also in November, we attended a Lumberjack Breakfast Bash hosted by our military housing at the Hunt Club Farm. Such a fun event!
Z loved the pony ride and A made friends with this sweet bobtail barn cat.
Look at all those hungry faces!
First time ever petting a zebra, so soft and sweet!
Chicken catcher.
The parakeets were so fun too, and so many!
On Thanksgiving, we helped cook a meal for about 25 Marine students from the School of Music at the Chief Warrant Officer's house on base. What a blessing to serve these Marines!
Z teaching the boss's son how to draw a raccoon.
The cooks: L, Christina, and Terri.
Sharing our "Thankful" cards around the room.
Definitely one of our favorite Thanksgivings!