This fall, we've been so thankful for A's job with the Marines, a lovely home, and family nearby. Here are some photos of the fun things from this past month.

Thanksgiving at the Meadows' (Daddy-O and the yummy turkey!).

A hanging out with Paul, L's cousin.

Paige (Paul's wife) and L playing with 2nd cousins Bryce and Z (who, despite their expressions, actually did have a fun time!).

A cutie pie with her favorite "sock-monkey"-like mermaid, who Z named "Herman" (yes, Herman is a girl!).

Also in November, we celebrated A's 31st birthday with a free trip to Disneyland (A had earned complimentary, park-hopper tickets after performing with the Marine band at Disneyland earlier this year). Z sat this trip, so it was a really nice date out!

It was also the first day that the Christmas decorations were up at the park, what a treat!

This year, Z got to participate in the annual family tradition of baking Christmas cookies!

We also enjoyed a fun Christmas tea party with Gigi.

And Z just adores this fuzzy horse who lives at Gigi's house.

Yay for an already fun Christmas season, and there's still so much more to come (like a certain little girl's upcoming 2nd birthday!).